Welcome to the Kenneth Cole Music website! Here you can find info on all of Kenneth Cole's Country and Christian music releases, and check out some photos and memories of his musical career!
Kenneth Cole has now joined the Bordertones!
Kenneth Cole has joined with the Nashville Band "The Bordertones" and they are ready to play at your venue. Grand Ole Opry experience along with some of the best musicians in Nashville. Contact Kenneth Cole for more information and rates for playing your next show. Like traditional country? They have a long line of songs plus original music which has made it high on the independent country charts and being played on worldwide radio. Country Christian and old time hymns are also on the playlist. Just talk with Kenneth and get what you want lined up. Email [email protected] for bookings. Thank You and hope to hear from you soon👍
Latest release: "How Can it Be"
Having fun on the stage!
Singing in Nashville.
Purchase "You and Me Together", by Kenneth Cole, using the link above
Great recording session with Kimmo Forest, Lead Guitarist for Alabama, and Lead Singer for Cash Creek.